About Us

Erin Martin
Founding Director
Erin has toured and performed in shows from a young age. She grew up singing with the Opera West Children’s Choir and went on to dance with BYU Theatre Ballet Company while still in high school. She received a B.F.A. in Music, Dance, and Theatre from BYU then went on to perform in two New York City Broadway productions of The Phantom of the Opera and Thoroughly Modern Millie. Later on, Erin attended grad school in Choreography and Dance at Shenandoah University in Virginia. Erin has 5 beautiful children, one with Down Syndrome, and is a strong advocate for people with disabilities. She resides in Sunnyside with her family and hopes to bring more of the fine arts to this wonderful community.

Gary Martin
Commonly known as “Papa”, Gary is a major part of VPAC’s overall growth and development. Through his generous efforts, Gary donated the building that currently houses VPAC and spent hours on end renovating the facility to fit the needs of the teachers and students. He is usually seen out an about in the community making it a better place, or cheering his grandkids on at recitals, or busy fixing something in the building. We couldn’t have done this without Gary’s major contributions and we are so grateful for his continual support.

Lydia Moyer
Lydia grew up in a family where the arts were appreciated, pursued and celebrated. She is one of 4 siblings where each one studied music and participated in an elite high school program. As a result of those experiences in music she has learned a great appreciation for the arts which she desires to instill in her own family and throughout the lower valley.
In 2010 she earned her bookkeeping degree at CBC while raising her 5 children. Her education has continued to be a blessing to her and her family. With her skills she has been able to serve a wide range of businesses including non-profit organizations, farming and local entrepreneurs. Now Lydia is excited to lend her skills and passion to Valley Performing Arts in its growth.